Thursday 8 January 2015

Bara is on the road again

Mike Bara, world famous aerospace engineer, climate scientist, and astrophysicist reports that he will be appearing at the LA Conscious Life Expo in February this year.

I had a look at the cast. Boy it's a big one. Take a look at the roster. It's huge. Now I am no expert on these sort of woo-conferences but I was astonished to see just how many people they are shipping in to talk shite and get paid for it. It's like ninety seven people. What the fuck !!!!!

I've never heard of the vast majority of the people on their guest list but I did note that "Dr" Sean David Morton is included. It boggles the mind that Morton the thieving, lying, fat little bastard is still getting these gigs even after all the litigation and his false credentials being exposed. I mean this fat little fucktard thief has been known to refer to himself as "The Rev Dr Sean David Morton Ph.D." Yes I know it's ridiculous but it's true.

Isn't it funny how the woo-crowd always claim sceptics throw their credentials at them. They claim it's because we are afraid of their truth and we need to garner respect by waving degrees and Ph.D's. But if they are so disgusted by bona fides, why do they go out to diploma mills and award themselves phony degrees and Ph.D's ?

Can't wait to hear what sort of utter shite Bara will come out with. He must be running out of stuff by now. Especially since Hoagland is no longer producing anything. Which must severely limit Bara's source material. Having said that Bara has been caught rotten in the past simply making things up. Remember his centrifugal force description and his assertion regarding light being able to reach the floor of our deepest oceans. Even my grandchildren know this is nonsense, yet this sciolist continues to be published. Albeit by woo-woo publishing houses.

Oh well. Perhaps Mikey boy will be able to get a legover with Laura Einsenhower who is also appearing. She is utterly batshit crazy. I mean batshit crazy to almost the same degree as Kerry Cassidy. Yeah, Mike and Laura up a tree...etc !!!!!



  1. Looking over the talent, I'd say Mikey has some good stuff to have a go at, since he likes crazy New-Age women.My #1 pick would be Marianne Williamson. She looks intelligent, even if she is a "spiritual author."

  2. LOL.

    Given Mikey's horrible strike rate when it comes to women I reckon he'd be more likely to get a quick jump from David Wilcock.

  3. A few of the women on that list look pretty hot. Pity my pickup skills don't overcome my intolerance of batshit crazy bullshit.

  4. If I'd be unconscious enough to astrally travel towards this Expo, I'd certainly woo Leila Connors and/or Paula Ferraro, depending on how intelligent the conversation needs to go....

    Just read some of that Eisenhower shit, wow, that's MESSED up! But the amazing thing is that such story would totally contradict so many other stories of other Guardian of the Earth talking at the Expo. How do they DEAL with that? No internal discussion, no blades drawn, just all wishing each other well like any other product expo? Wouldn't they all suspect each other of being an agent serving the Dark Ones? Or illuminated? Wait, the shiny and knowledgeable ones are BAD??

  5. That's a very interesting observation Dee. Yeah, they rarely if ever disagree with each other. I know from speaking to Richard Dolan as to why he backed out of challenging Hoagland. Steve Bassett advised against it. Saying that infighting would only serve to fragment their movement and his truth embargo campaign would suffer. I was disappointed with Dolan because of that.

  6. I just listened to the first interview on Laura Eisenhower's site. Good Lord SHE'S FUCKING LOONEY TOONS!!!

    And what a voice. OMG, WHAT A SCREECHY VOICE!!!! With a site like "Cosmic Gaia" I expected a sweet, soothing, passive-aggressive seductress. Instead I get some pharmaceutical-addeled dingleberry who believes in some really crazy shite.

    She claims her great grandpappy's signature was made by a cloned human, cloned by the Greys so the Nordics wouldn't get there first - or something like that. Is she married to David Icke by any chance? I hope her family disowned her. I'd have thrown her in a padded cell and thrown away the key long ago.

    To think people pay to hear this codswallop....

  7. I think I just found an issue Mikey could get behind.

  8. She has a wikipage
